I'm Paul Logan.
I've been enjoying coding for over 20 years - it's about time I started blogging about it!

Software Developer Professional Development

a.k.a. Sharpening your saw

Override LINQ To SQL auto generated association names

How to persist your own meaningful association names

Azure App Service - Client Secret expired

What to do when your App Service client secret expires

Pin those tabs in Visual Studio

Herding tabs - Let's put a pin in it

Why write a software blog

In need of a good reason to write a software blog?

Local backup and restore of a SQL database

Ditch the GUI - use a script to backup and restore a SQL database

Restore Azure SQL Database locally v2

Using Powershell and SQLPackage to get a copy of your Azure database onto your local SQL server (no gremlins)

Restore Azure SQL Database locally v1

Using the CMD shell and SQLPackage to get a copy of your Azure database onto your local SQL server (with a gremlin 👹)

A script to start the day

A Powershell script to automatcally start the apps I need to start my coding day