
Custom Software Design & Development

Mobilise your workforce with mobile apps

Apps that work on any device with a modern browser

Secure web apps to manage your data

Providing data to Mobile Apps with Cosmos DB

Bridging the gap between new mobile app and legacy in-house system.

App communication to Azure services from behind the corporate firewall

How to connect to Azure Service Bus and Azure Cosmos DB from your work office.

Mobile app communication with on-prem Enterprise Application

Using Azure Service Bus for communicating with an ASP.Net MVC App

Creating an employee self-service mobile app Pt 1

Azure Static Web App authenticated using Entra External ID

Thinking of a new business app - Listen to your users

User buy-in is a key factor for you IT project's success

Disabling Hangfire jobs when in development

Hangfire - hang fire 🛑

Empowering your business users with self-service data tools

Web Apps that reduce the data maintenance burden on IT

E-commerce Web App

Replacing email, phone and fax orders

Human Resources Time & Attendance System

Why is my Development environment ConnectionString being ignored when debugging

Managing .Net Core ConnectionStrings

SQL Unique filtered index

How to enforce a grouped uniqueness in a table

Building a web app to maintain database tables

Providing self-service data maintenance to your users

Native Javascript Templating

No need to reach for a JS Framework

Using Web Deploy to get your apps onto IIS

Automating .NET Core app deployment to IIS

Upgrading from EF Core 6 to 8

A little bit of Nullable's what I see

Automating application updates to the cloud

Add an Azure DevOps Pipeline to an existing .Net Core Web App

A simpler method for displaying reporting data in a web app

SQL ➡️ JSON ➡️ UI (⛔ DTO)

Override LINQ To SQL auto generated association names

How to persist your own meaningful association names

PWAs in the Enterprise

Progressive Web Apps rockin' it in the Enterprise